The untold story of David and Goliath  |  Malcolm Gladwell

The untold story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell

If you haven't indulged on Malcolm Gladwell's REVISIONIST HISTORY podcast, here's a snippet of what you can expect.  His ability to go back through ancient and modern history and analyse what really happened is incredible.  Next time someone likens this story to an underdogs victory, you might want to set them straight.


It's a classic underdog tale: David, a young shepherd armed only with a sling, beats Goliath, the mighty warrior. The story has transcended its biblical origins to become a common shorthand for unlikely victory. But, asks Malcolm Gladwell, is that really what the David and Goliath story is about?


Malcolm was also on Lance Armstrong's THE FORWARD podcast, and they delve into many things including marathon running. If you can't get past Lance's history you're missing out on some great listens.