2023 - How to Roobaix
Roobaix is part scavenger hunt, part car rally - all bike party!
At the start, you'll get a rider pack with your map, manifest (list of questions), and other goodies.
The map is a good ol' fashioned one thanks to Melway.
There is a QR code on the map to give you access to the route on your device(s).
The chillest route is marked on the map to guide you from sector to sector, but you can choose your own adventure, skip one, two or a few, have a long lunch and take a shortcut to the finish. It's a fun ride - you decide your version.
The chillest route is NOT a closed course to other vehicles and you need to consider other road users and road laws at all times.
The route is 36km in distance and links the cities network of bike paths, bike lanes, and of course - cobblestone alleys. This year has more than ever with 5km of pure pavé to bounce over!
Everyone is eligible to to win prizes in the raffle draw. Make sure your manifest is in the PINK barrel by 3.30pm.
The exception is the 'Winner of Melburn Roobaix' may only be won by a complete and correct manifest.